The Summoning: Book 1

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Book Cover.

The Summoning: Book 1 is a book found in the house near the right exit in Evergrind City.


Girl, Meet Boy

Rose dangled her feet off the cliff, absently ruffling the fur of Vovens, who rested peacefully against his owner's thigh.

"Manifestation of power, four letters..." she mumbled. Were all crossword puzzles this hard? She glanced down on Vovens. "Any ideas?"

A yelp from across the bridge dragged her attention from the puzzle. She stood up, and saw a young boy lying on his back. A large Rabby was knocking relentlessly against the makeshift shield he held up!

A few strides away laid a wooden sword. The Rabby must've knocked it out of the boy's hand! If his shield broke, he would be defenseless!

"Vovens!" Rose yelled. She pointed across the bridge. "Fetch, to the boy!"

Vovens shot away like an arrow. Dogs aren't much use in a fight, but when it comes to carrying sticks, they are among the best!

The dog swiftly grabbed the wooden sword in his mouth as he darted past, and just as the boy's shield splintered he had his weapon brought within reach.

With a lightning quick flurry of stabs the boy overwhelmed the Rabby, sending it flying with the final stab. As it landed the Rabby poofed in a rain of Coins and Carrots.

Rose let out a laugh of relief, her heart still beating wildly.

"That was some fast thinking, miss," said the boy. He looked to be twelve, maybe thirteen; roughly her age. "You should become a Collector!"

Rose blushed. "Don't be stupid. Vovens saved you, not me."

The boy grinned at the dog. "This pup? I'm grateful to him, too, but he just did as you told." He crossed his arms. "I'm serious. Next year, come with me to the Collector's Exam."

Annoyed at his persistence, Rose held up her right hand, which hung limp and lifeless, a dozen burn scars glistening.

"Look. I can't hold a weapon. We saw how you fared without one, didn't we? Now stop bothering me."

"I can stop a Boar in its tracks, but I can't stop being a bother," the boy said. "But if you tell me your name, miss, I'll be out of your hair."

She sighed. "I'm Rose Marisu."

"I'm Lowe Entryst." The boy tossed something to her, and she clumsily caught it. "The Rabby dropped this. Figure you deserved your share, saving my life and all that."

As the boy ran down the Pillar Mountains, Rose looked at her gift. Even she knew this was a rare treasure: a Rabbit's Foot.

By Penn Wryte


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This book can be found in the house near the right exit in Evergrind City.


  • The answer to Rose's puzzle could be "CARD", which also has four letters and is a way to increase power in the game.