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A giant flower that attacks using it's vines. They use a small flower as disguise in order to lure travellers near, only to reveal their true form once you get too close!

If you don't have a ranged attack, try blocking the hits with your shield and strike it directly after!

These flowers prefer the environment around Evergrind City, and can mostly be found in the fields surrounding the capital.

Bloomo is a big flower enemy that can mostly be found in Evergrind Fields:East


Bloomos spawn hidden in the ground, and a small flower marks their position instead. While burrowed, they are untargetable by spells and do not take damage from any attacks.

Once a player comes near, Bloomos unburrow and become able to attack and take damage. In Arcade Mode, they automatically unburrow upon spawn.

Bloomos are not interrupted by any attacks, with the exception of Fire element spells (Fireball, Flame Thrower and Meteor).


Bloomos swipe at nearby players, dealing 35 + ATK damage on hit. The swipe covers a large AoE of a Bloomo's side, starting from the Bloomo's back and ending downwards, covering 3 out of 4 quadrants this way. This attack can be shielded.

On Normal, this results in the swipes dealing 40 damage. On Hard, they deal 55 damage.


  • While Bloomos cannot be interrupted by most means, their attacks are slow and predictible. You can shield them and retaliate with an attack
  • Bloomos cannot move from their spot, and are therefore easy to defeat with ranged attacks
  • Since Bloomo swipes don't cover the lower back quadrant (relative to their swipe direction), you can move to the other side to dodge the attack while staying in range. For right swipes, this means moving bottom left from the Bloomo; for left swipes - bottom right