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Dad default.png
Gender Male
Type Main Story
Location Startington/Evergrind City
I'm proud of you, both as a father and as a collector. You've got all the talent of your mother!

Dad is the first NPC encountered and starts the main quest line. Dad is first found in Startington but moves to the Collectors Headquarters after Road to the City is completed.

As implied, he is the player's father and is a major character in the plot. Dad is also the one to hand you Bag and provides the setting for the game at the very start.


Dad Starts the following Quests:


Start of the game: "Good morning, sport! You're up early!
I hope you slept well! It's a big day today: the day you will become a Collector!
I remember taking you to your first exam when you could barely walk. I've been taking you to watch the exams every year since.
...but this year, you're finally old enough to enter as a contender!
Everyone in our family has passed the exam placing first, so I'm expecting a lot from you.
Haha! Just kidding! I actually placed third!
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do great!
You'd better go get your things together, but first...
Thirty years ago, I went down this very same road to take that very same test.
That day, your grandfather gave me a little something to help me along the way...
...and today, I pass my most prized possession on to you, my boy/girl. This magic bag has been within our family for generations.
Items placed inside it will have no weight, and take up no room, until you take them out again!
But that's not the best thing about it.
It's not just some bag. It's a dear friend of our family! Take good care of it.
Look at the time! You better go gather your things.
Your shield is in the storage cave, and didn't Jonathan borrow your sword a while ago?"

Talking to Dad again: "Go get your things and head down the mountain, my boy/girl!
You're a big kid now. The slimes and rabbits won't be a problem for you!
...or will they?
Haha! Just kidding! I'm sure they won't.
I'm sure they won't."