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Gender Female
Type Generic
Location Evergrind City/Port Monnaie
What's that? You've got a job for me? Great! I've been aching to get back to work for a while.

Katarina is Evergrind City's stonemason, being hired for almost every job involving stone sculpting. At the time of the exam, she's hired by the collectors to sculpt two Rabby statues at the entrance of the Collectors Headquarters. She will finish the statues by the time the player has finished A Frozen Fairytale, and resides in Belmont's patisserie. She is involved in multiple sidequests, but doesn't start any herself.


In Belmont's patisserie:
"I finally finished that darn Rabby statue and was hoping to kick back for a bit with a cold beer, but dang...
I'd need to cough up my entire paycheck to get something at this place!"

If Crystal Clear is active:
"What's that? You've got a job for me? Great! I've been aching to get back to work for a while.
Except... there's this little problem with Belmont...
I was so thirsty I ordered some bottled water. It wasn't on the menu, but I figured it couldn't be that expensive...
...well, it WAS pretty darn expensive, and I haven't gotten my paycheck for the stone Rabby yet.
Belmont says I can't leave until my payment arrives so I can repay my debt to him...
Perhaps you could help me out somehow?"

In Port Monnaie:
"Oh, duuude. This place is really, really nice! But I hope I don't run out of sunscreen..."