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Luke default.png
Gender Male
Type Main Story
Location Evergrind City/Arena/Seasonne
Buffoon? That's like, some sort of hero, right?

Luke is a friend of the players who also clears the Collector Exam. Making him a fellow collector. He's stronger than most collectors, but he's not very good with puzzles.

He helps out in the Toy Factory quest line.


Luke ends the following Quests:


First meeting:
"Hey <player name>, you made it in time!
I was so bummed out when we got here and I couldn't find you.
Passing the exams without you would've been kind of bitter sweet!
Well, no time to lose! The registration is closing any minute now.
Let's wreck these exams!"

During The Collector's Exam:
"Hey <player name>! It's finally time, huh?
I've been waiting for this day since the first time I visited Evergrind City!"

"Fishing, huh? I've been living by the sea all my life, so that was nothing new!"

"You managed to solve the puzzles?! I got so frustrated I smashed one of the blocks and got 0 points...
Luckily, I heard the next round will be the combat test! Finally we'll get to show our strongest suit.
Let's hope that Marino guy doesn't make it. What a bummer to have to work with him!"