Toy Factory

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The Toy Factory is a mini-dungeon located in Seasonne.


Mrs. Claus agrees to give Naniva some fairy dust if the player clears out her and Santa's Toy Factory. Luke enters the factory along with the player but gets stuck in the lobby holding up a door for the player by standing on a button. He takes an alternative route and rejoins the player a few rooms later. After defeating a bunch of enemies and solving a puzzle the player reaches the Enraged Toy Machine


Dungeon Anatomy

The Toy Factory is comprised out of five rooms with a pretty straight forward path lined out for the player.


ToyFactory-50.pngExit to Seasonne1Gauntlet Room2Bomb Conveyor Room3Train Trap Room4Enraged Toy Machine5
1: Exit to Seasonne
2: Gauntlet Room 3: Bomb Conveyor Room 4: Train Trap Room
5: Enraged Toy Machine

Enemies Encountered
