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Fae elderspring.png
Gender Female Fae
Type Main Story
Cheer up you grouchy pouchy! You and I will make the best side kick team ever!

Naniva is the Elder Fae of Spring, and briefly accompanies the player through Seasonne.



Naniva is a green-skinned Fae with leaf-like wings and long, pointy ears. She her hair is a soft green half-shaved pixie cut. She has vibrant green eyes that almost match her hair color.

Her forehead is adorned with a soft red, diamond-cut jewel. She wears large, star-shaped earrings, a red choker, and a red strap across her shoulders.

It is unknown whether she wears more clothes than the aforementioned, as many other Fae appear to be unclothed.


Naniva is a bright spirited character with an innocent demeanor. She is often childlike and oblivious, frequently misjudging dangers and the difficulty of various challenges. While she is fairly knowledgeable about Fae-related responsibilities and powers, she understands very little of human culture. Regardless of this, she puts an extreme amount of trust in the player.


Naniva first appears barging into the Collectors Headquarters, demanding help from a Collector after the Flying Fortress is completed. She is initially turned down by Ivy, but is later offered the assistance of the player by Dad. Naniva proceeds to accompany the player for the duration of their time in Seasonne. She attempts to allow the player access to Santa Fae, but her powers fail her, and requests the Essence of Spring, conveniently stocked by Mrs. Claus.

Mrs. Claus offers a helping of the Essence of Spring in exchange for some assistance. A gang of Frostlings have overtaken the Toy Factory, and Naniva offers to expel the fiends alongside the player. Luke tags along and assists the player through the factory by opening the main door. Naniva and Luke later team up to solve a puzzle while the player must dodge a series of bombs and rampant toy trains. When the player faces against the Enraged Toy Machine, Naniva and Luke take down the Frostling manning the levers. Naniva rejoins the player after the machine is defeated.

After gaining access to Santa Fae, Naniva arrives just in time to see Winter mind control Summer and Autumn before departing into the Temple of Seasons. Naniva and the player follow Winter into the temple. After facing off against and defeating the two mind controlled Fae, the player is granted the ability to use the Season Orbs in the temple, allowing them to progress through the temple to challenge Winter.

Naniva attempts to attack Winter, but is swiftly knocked out cold, and the player must face the Elder alone. Naniva reawakens after the fight to witness Winter attempting to freeze the player to death, but is stopped when Naniva's powers awaken, and she turns the temple's season to spring. After Winter's death, she returns to Santa Fae and claims her role as Spring. Naniva remains in Santa Fae and no longer accompanies the player after this.


  • Naniva's name may be a reference to Navi from the Legend of Zelda series[1].
  • Naniva's hint box may also be a nod to Navi, as it is titled after a common quote from the character, "Hey! Listen!"
  • Naniva's hint boxes can be quieted with the command "/shutup".
    • This can be undone with "/speak".