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Lurifix sprite.png
Gender Male
Type Main Story
Location Mt. Bloom
Eh, you wanna go past me into the old town?

Lurifix is a troublesome Caveling located in Mt. Bloom. He blocks the way to Tai Ming until the player completes his quests.



Like most Cavelings, Lurifix covers most of his body, only exposing his bright green ears, hands, and feet. He has vivid green eyes that glow from beyond the shroud hiding his face.

He wears a blue parka with crystals adorning the shoulders. He has a gray scarf that is decorated with a gold medallion in the center. Hanging from his ears are gold decorations.


Lurifix is exceptionally crafty and devious, more so than the rest of his kind, as he was supposedly the first to "trick" a Collector. He is cunning with his wording, such that he is never truly lying, but also never being fully honest. He often uses this to his own gain.


Lurifix prevents the player from progressing to Tai Ming by standing in front of the only other path to the village, as the original bridge has collapsed. He offers to step aside, but only if the player does a few favors for him, in the form of a series of quests.

By tricking the player into fighting several mini-bosses and braving dangerous caverns, he acquires three Cavelings “relics” and brings them to the village elder, receiving great honor and taking credit for the player’s work. However, as promsied, the way to Tai Ming is opened.
