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Marino von Grinden
Gender Male
Type Main Story
Why don't you two get a room? I can't stand the sight of such disgustingly... good friends.

Marino is a fellow contestant in the Collector's Exam, and a member of the von Grinden family, who fund the Arena that houses the exam. During the Collector's Exam, he completes the fishing event in half your time and beats you in the puzzle event in an unstated amount of time.

After you retrieve Amalet from the Flying Fortress and go to Evergrind City, Marino steals Amalet from you, causing a chase to break out until he runs to the Von Grinden estate, where a boss fight starts.


During The Collector's Exam:
"You stand no chance against me."

"My score? Higher than yours!"

"My score? Still better than yours!"
"Looks like I have it in the bag."