The Summoning: Book 2

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The Summoning: Book 2 is a book found in Candy's house in Pumpkin Woods


Call to Adventure

The crowded streets of Evergrind City made Rose - a born and bred mountain girl - feel decidedly claustrophobic. She'd been to the city before, but never in festive times.

A hand slapped down hard on her shoulder. She turned around and found herself staring into a wide grin.

"So you came after all!" Lowe yelled, shouting to be heard among the loud buzzing of the crowd.

"Only to watch you," Rose clarified, then clarified again, blushing: "To watch you all! All of you. Not just... you."

The boy laughed. "That's swell! I can get you real good seats. Come with me."

Lowe dragged her to the Evergrind Arena reception, filled in a couple of forms, and then pushed one of the papers over to her.

"Sign right there, Rose Marisu," he said.

She frowned, realizing she was looking at a participation form. "Now listen here, Lowe! I showed you my hand, I can't-"

"So sign with the other one!"

"What I mean is, I can't hold a weapon!"

"Trust me, you won't need one." He leaned in close. "Look, I'll bet you ten ice creams in Port Monnaie you'll pass this exam!"

"Make it twelve," Rose said, surprised at how easily his confidence had rubbed off on her.

"Don't know if I can eat that much, but you have yourself a deal!"

The first challenge was easy, for Lowe was a great fisherman and a great teacher.

The second challenge was easy as well, for Rose was great at puzzles, and Lowe was great at pushing stone blocks around.

The last challenge made Rose worry, for she had only a shield and no way to fight against the monsters. But the boy had promised he'd keep her safe.

"That's way more than I expected," Lowe admitted sheepishly as the enemies flooded through the gates. "Like, way way more! I'll take the baddies on the right side, and you can take the left!"

Rose was about to panic. "Lowe, I can't deal damage. You understand that, right?"

Lowe wiggled his sword in the air as he darted away. "You'll figure it out!"

The monsters quickly moved in on her, and she dodged around as best she could. She blocked a Bee, saw it bounce unto the ground, then helplessly watched it recover.

"Lowe, you idiot!" she yelled, feeling anger rise inside her like a thundercloud. "You stupid, stupid boy!"

Then lightning struck, and she realized the steam of her anger had been more than metaphorical! A large Cloud had formed above her, raining down thunder on her enemies as she dodged and blocked.

Suddenly a Boar charged at her, and her shield gave in! She was pushed back into the wall, stunned and out of breath from the impact.

The cloud needed several strikes to defeat a Boar - ample time for the beast to finish her off.

"Rose!" Lowe yelled, running towards her... but he'd never make it from the other side of the arena.

Rose closed her eyes. She was a goner for sure.

Then lightning struck, fiercer than ever, sending sparks and fur alike flying high into the air. Cheers erupted. Rose opened her eyes. The Boar was gone! Defeated!

"Whoa!" Lowe said in an excited squeal as he approached. "A Critical Strike! I knew I didn't give you that Rabbit's Foot for nothing, Rose!"

Later that day, they both got their badges. Just like that, Rose, who'd never imagined she could do much of anything, had joined the Collectors!

"Now what?" she asked Lowe.

"Now the fun begins!"

By Penn Wryte



This book can be found in Candy's house in Pumpkin Woods
