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Gender Male
Type Generic
Location Evergrind City
Mirror, mirror in my hand, am I the ugliest thing on land?

Mirar is a very vain but insecure person hanging around Evergrind City. As the player progresses through the story, he will sit in different places: from the tree trunk in front of the player's house, to the bridge, to a ledge in front of the school. He will have a different but similar dialogue each time, and only after What Floats Your Boat has started will a cutscene appear. He will then finally find motivation and vouch to search the library for books on motivation. This is also the point at which he gives you his Mirror.


After completing Road to the City:
"Mirror, mirror in my hand, am I the ugliest thing on land?
Oh no... is that a pimple or something? It's hideous... if only I had better skin, like Rubio..."

After completing A Frozen Fairytale:
"Mirror, mirror in front of me, is that a monster that I see?
My hair is so lackluster... why can't it just be glowing and flowing, like Fransisco's?"

After starting What Floats Your Boat:
"Mirror, mirror can't you see, the saddest fate is being me?
Why have I been cursed with this stupid appearance? My skin is dull, my hair is lifeles...
If I was rich like Marino, or tall like the hatter, or smart and funny like Pott, or-"
Bag: "Alright, alright! We get it. Goddess be damned, guy, calm it with the self pity."
Mirar: "Wow, Excuse me for ruining your day with my problems. I mean, I've had my whole life ruined by them!"
Bag: "...your problems? Fella you only have one problem, and you're clutching it like a rope off a cliff.
What you need isn't money, or great hair, or being a bit taller, or whatever.
What you need is to throw that mirror away and cultivate some pride and confidence."
Mirar: "...that... I...
Wow. Oh, man. You're right. Confidence is just a state of mind, right?
I mean, you're just a ragged little sack but you talk in a way that makes me feel like, "hey that dude's got things figured out".
Bag: "Er..."
Mirar: "If a dusty, old, saggy, patched up pouch can be so confident, and make such a strong impression, then why can't I?"
Bag: "Hey, now..."
Mirar: "Here, take the mirror! I thought it would help me with my image, but it has just ruined it!
Oh boy! I'm feeling like a million bucks! So this is it, huh?
This is the feeling of motivation that I've heard so much about! Wow, it really makes me want to go and... you know...
...find more motivation! You think anyone has written a book on this stuff?!"
Bag: "Uh... I think you'll probably find one or two books on the subject, yes."
Mirar: "Really?! Oh, boy, that's awesome! Wow, being motivated is great. I'd better go find some more before I run out!"

Talking to him again:
"Man, I can't believe there might be a book about motivation in the library!"

In the library:
"Hey, you said there would be one or two books about motivation here, but...
There's like... hundreds of them! Thousands upon thousands of pages of pure wisdom!"
Bag: "Right. It's almost like you humans share some common existential struggles that you desperately want easy fixes for."
Mirar: "I wonder if I could take some quotes from these books, frame them, and put them on my wall..."