The Summoning: Book 3

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The Summoning: Book 3 is a book found in the poor family's house in Seasonne.


The Lord and The King

Lowe dashed straight through a Jumpkin with his new iron sword. "This place is awesome!"

Rose wanted to disagree, but something in the wind captured her attention. She put a finger over her mouth, and Lowe looked at her, puzzled.

"Voices," the girl mouthed, and beckoned her companion to follow her deeper into the Pumpkin Woods.

In a clearing, a Lantern Jack was circling a Scarecrow, talking eagerly as it went.

"Evergrind City will be rubble - you'll see. I'm headed to the Boss right now, and then we'll attack!"

"Sounds like a blast! I'll join you!" the Scarecrow said, and they both disappeared into a small opening in the foliage.

"Aw, crud!" hissed Lowe. "That sounded ultra-mega bad, Rose! We gotta get back to Quest Master Ulf quicker than a Piercing Dash!"

The girl thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No. Let's use the element of surprise and nip this thing in the bud!"

Lowe stared at her, mouth agape. "You want us two to fight a Boss??" His grin returned, bigger than ever. "I'm in!"

After a long, scratchy trip through the shrubbery, they found another clearing. On one side of it, the tall walls of Evergrind City rose high into the sky.

Four lantern jacks were slowly pushing a cart filled with - Rose gasped silently - bombs! "First we blow apart the wall, then we'll run over the city!" said a big Scarecrow with a pumpkin head.

"The Pumpking!" Lowe whispered.

Lowe and Rose jumped out of hiding and quickly managed to deal with the weaker enemies, and only the Pumpking was left.

"You can't run from me!" he shrieked, and was about to jump - but he couldn't, because Rose had Summoned Plants to hold him down into the ground!

"Curse you, Collectors! And curse Lord Flu, who told us this plan was foolproof!"

"Lord Flu?" Rose asked. "Is that your master? Tell us more and we might let you go!"

"Alright," said the Pumpking. "The plan is a bust. I might as well tell you exactly who the old bast-"

"Get down!" yelled Lowe and jumped towards Rose.

A giant Meteor landed straight on the bombs, and blew both the cart and the Pumpking into smithereens!

A strange figure, clad in pitch black and wearing a hood over its face, stood silently among the trees. He turned and disappeared completely into the thick woods.

"You alright?" Lowe asked Rose, who was lying beneath him, groaning.

She coughed. "Y-yeah. Who was that hooded fella?"

"No idea." Lowe patted soot and dust from his poncho. "But I think we better get back to Quest Master Ulf."

By Penn Wryte



This book can be found inside Ander's and Anita's house in Seasonne East.
