Ascent Into Madness

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A looming, giant tower has appeared north of the western Evergrind Fields! It's the resting place of Zhamla, the Collector who caused the Cataclysm.

You must hurry after Dad and stop him from resurrecting Zhamla, plunging the world into mortal peril!

Ascent Into Madness is a quest received after completing What Floats Your Boat, and the final quest of the game.


  • Enter the Forgotten Tower
  • Reach the top of the tower
  • Confront Dad


Entering the Tower that has erupted from the ground, the Player can interact with the large mirror on the wall and go up the elevator.


Memorir will awaken and give the Player multiple challenges consisting of:

  • A boss fight with the Shadow Giga Slime
  • A boss fight with the Terrorweed
  • A boss fight with an upgraded version of GUN-D4M
  • A Phase-trick puzzle
  • A time changing puzzle
  • A block push puzzle
  • A fight with the Season Hydra, now feturing a Spring Hydra that spawns Brambles
  • A survival challenge featuring Power Flower, the first of The Mimics, Cursed Priestess and the Black Ferrets

Memorir will then attempt to summon Luke who, being a mirror image of the original Luke, will smash Memorir with his Great Axe to protect the Player


The Player encounters Dad with all 5 artifacts at the Forgotten Tower. He is trying to revive Zhamla Meer from the coffin. Dad allows the Player to attack him, eventually stopping them and using Braazlet to heal to full strength. Marino then enters and challenges Dad. After proving useless at dealing damage, Marino leaves but reveals he has stolen Braazlet, meaning Dad is vulnerable.

The Player will then have to defeat him, with Dad (Boss) using powers granted to him by the artifacts. Upon defeat, he will yield and Brand will attempt to kill the Player. Dad goes to take the hit and one of the two events will play out:

  • If the Player does not have all three catalysts, Dad will be stabbed in the chest, saving the Player. A funeral will be held for Dad in Startington. Bag says he thought it wouldn't have to end this way, before looking directly at the camera, breaking the fourth wall. The credits will state "THE END?". At the end of the credits, Bishop will appear surrounded by slots for the three catalysts, with the missing catalysts not being in the slot. This will not end the Quest and will revert the game back to before the Player confronts Dad.
  • If all three catalysts are in the Player's position, Grindea Herself will appear and take Brand. Four Bishops will appear, each taking one artifact. Grindea will take Braazlet from Marino. Bishop will say to "let the reaping begin" and all the artifacts will be slammed into the coffin before Grindea, all Bishops and Dad teleport out of the arena. The Zhamla Meer fight will now begin.

Zhamla Meer

For a guide on the fight itself, see: Zhamla Meer (Boss) (Second Encounter)

The Player will now fight Zhamla Meer, by far the hardest boss in the game, especially on Expert where the effects of Barrier and Health Potions are nullified. Defeating Zhamla will complete the quest and reveal the true ending.

Zhamla will rise into the air and return to normal form, scattering the artifacts. A Card will emerge from him and he will state that he knew the Human Card was real. Bag will appear and tell him that only monsters drop cards, shocking Zhamla at the realisation as to what he has become. He dies. All the artifacts will disappear, with Braazlet being sucked out of Bag and The Crown reverting back into the toy crown that Zhamla was given by Tessen as a child in Tai Ming. Bag questions what type of creature Zhamla was and that the card can't possibly be a Human Card. The Card flies toward the Player, but is stolen by Grindea, shocking Bag. Bag questions what Zhalma's motive was and both him and the Player leave for Evergrind City.

In Evergrind City, a ceremony is held where Ivy congratulates the Player and presents them with a Perfect Guardian Chest. She then sentences Bag to 100 years in a sealed chest for helping Zhamla. After the Player stands in the Guard's way, Naniva/Spring and Marino object on behalf of Santa Fae and the Von Grindean household respectively. The Guard backs off and Quinton offers an idea: if artifacts can corrupt humans, humans can corrupt artifacts. This means that Bag is pardoned as he was under the influence of Zhamla and has now become good thanks to his journey with the Player. Bag will ask the Player why they stepped in on their behalf and says they should go on more adventures.

After the credits roll, Grindea is seen lying down on a chair holding the Card. Bishop appears and comments on how it is the last Card She needed, asking why She hasn't added it to her collection. She laughs and Bishop says that Her wisdom is absolute. Some words appear and the Lost Soul Card is absorbed by Luke, reviving him. He says he thought he was a goner for sure and, with no Teleporter, quickly changes into his trunks and swims back to Evergrind City.

Quest Navigation
Main Questline
Evergrind City

Road to the City   -   The Collector's Exam

Flying Fortress

The Ancient Temple   -   Ghost Hunt   -   A Thieving Rival

Temple of Seasons

A Frozen Fairytale   -   Toying With Danger

Tai Ming

Festival!   -   A Matter of Time   -   A Tiny Little Errand   -   Last Favour (Promise!)
The Thousand Year Ale   -   The Secrets of Mana   -   A King's Treasure

The Lost Ship

What Floats Your Boat   -   A Fare Price   -   A Ghastly Gathering

Forgotten Tower

Ascent Into Madness (upcoming content)

Side Quests
No questline

Chicken Chaser   -   Chicken Savior   -   For Old Times
Slime & Ring   -   Cooking Witch Candy   -   Birthday Dinner
Faerly Brave   -   Pet Detective   -   Crystal Clear
Ice Cream Run   -   Grinding Groceries   -   Finder Keeps Hers
The Lost Cat Pic   -   The Museum is Closed   -   The Spectral Party
Phase-Off   -   One Measly Slime   -   Sponsored Contest
Bloomy Barn Brawl   -   Leafing Home   -   Butterflown

Pott & Remedi

Pumpkin Inspection   -   Alchemist Apprentice   -   The Remedy

Mr. & Mrs. Santa

The Goblin Grinch   -   Split the Bill

Steve the Miner

Steve Gets Fired   -   Career Change

Port Monnaie errands

Gone With The Wind   -   Vanjie! Vaaanjie!

Cammy the Photographer

For Exposure   -   For More Exposure   -   Even More Exposure...

Arcade Quests
Item Unlocks

Fly, You Fool!   -   Flying Blind   -   Find The Finder
Home Away From Home   -   A Smashing Photo   -   Pumpkin Dash
Boring The Elder   -   Giant for an Exam   -   Sick On The Job
The Red King   -   Distress Signal   -   Fishing Arcade

Arcade Unlocks

Missing Sis   -   Lood Hunt   -   Tools for the Job
Seedy Business   -   Where Are The Birds?   -   Call Of The Wild
By the Stones


A Safe Village   -   Bounty Hunt   -   Evening the Odds
What You've Got