The Ancient Temple

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You've received your first assignment as a Collector, and it's to venture through Pumpkin Woods to drop a Teleportation Plate near the temple that lies beyond. Be careful, the trip down from Startington will seem like a vacation compared to the dangers lurking in this haunted forest!

The Ancient Temple is the next quest after The Collector's Exam. It involves exploring the Pumpkin Woods and finding a path towards the Flying Fortress.


  • Enter the Pumpkin Woods, south east of Evergrind City
  • Find the Ancient Temple
    • Completing this objective requires completing another main quest, Ghost Hunt
  • Place and activate the Teleportation Plate
  • Investigate the temple
  • Explore the temple and find a way through the giant door
  • Go through the door and claim the treasure!
  • Bring Amalet to Quinton in the Collectors HQ
  • Get Amalet back from Marino
    • Completing this objective requires completing another main quest, A Thieving Rival
  • Bring Amalet to your father


After picking up the quest from Quinton, you'll be able to access the areas south and east from Evergrind City. Pumpkin Woods will be located on the west path from the Von Grinden Mansion.

After reaching the forest's eastern exit, you will be sent back to the start due to the forest's curse. Progressing past this point requires completing the Ghost Hunt quest; doing so will also enable random Elite enemies in respawn zones.

After lifting the curse and dropping off the Teleport Plate, you can enter the temple. Activating the computer in the main room will trigger the fortress to fly again (you can leave and return using the Teleportation Plate left earlier). To progress, you have to activate the other two computers in the fortress, though the left path will be inaccessible until you obtain the Phase Shift ability.

The right path will have two obstacles: a laser circle that requires defeating a wave of enemies to proceed, and a Perfect Guard test required to open the door towards Phaseman's boss arena. After defeating them and obtaining their Phase Shift ability, you will be able to activate one of the two computers, and access the left wing of the dungeon.

The left path contains more obstacles this time: a floating island that requires defeating three waves of enemies to proceed, a projectile course, a puzzle, and a boss fight. Bypassing the projectile course and solving the puzzle allows you to obtain two keys: these open the path towards The Sentry's boss fight, beyond which the second computer is located. Once it is activated, the big door in the lobby will open, and the final boss of the dungeon, GUN-D4M, will be reachable.

After defeating GUN-D4M and returning to Evergrind City, Amalet will be stolen by Marino. Progressing past this point requires completing the quest A Thieving Rival, and contains Marino's boss fight. After retrieving Amalet from the rival, you can talk to Quinton and Dad to turn in the quest.


  • Robin's Archery Range is south of Evergrind City and on your path towards the fortress. You can get a Wooden Bow by talking to him; additionally, you can also upgrade to a Compound Bow right away at Little J for 1000 gold. It may prove useful for dealing with enemies later on.
  • You can grab a potion flask after the Collector's Exam, from the Alchemy Shop, which can make combat easier
  • There are a few chests you can get on the way:
    • A chest containing an Adventurershirt.png Adventure Shirt north of Robin's Archery Range
    • A chest inside the cave near the Von Grinden Mansion, containing ArcherAppleHat.png Archer's Apple. You can open the cave by shooting your bow at the statue without an arrow in its target.
    • A chest west of Candy the Witch's hut, which has a hidden path leading to it. It contains a Blindfold.png Blindfold
    • Three chests inside the puzzle cave north from Candy' hut. They contain a Lantern Lamp, Horns.png Baby Devil's Horns, and a Witchhead.png Witch Hat
    • Three chests before the Sentry fight. Two of them contain 100 gold each, and the third one has three Grilled Rib-Eye Steaks that can be used to level up your pet (if you tamed any)


  • Leaving the Phaseman boss arena without picking up the phase power will force the player to fight them again


Back in the lab:
Dad:"Amazing. Many collectors live through entire careers without finding an artifact such as this.
I'm proud of you, both as a father and as a collector. You've got all the talent of your mother!"
Bag: "Credit where credit is due, old man. Don't forget the one pulling the strings!
Though I will say the kid did rather well...
...for a shrimp like him/her, anyway!"
Dad: "Of course! Thank you for looking after my son/daughter, old friend.
With your mentoring, I'm confident he/she will reach his/her full potential."
Amalet: "Mentoring? You bring shame to your kin, you treacherous pouch.
What kind of artifact would befriend a mortal? Your weakness disgusts me!"
Bag: "And yet here we are, Amalet. You're on a trophy stand, and I'm not.
I hope your dignity gives you comfort as you rust away in this place, while I'm out there finding more artifacts to "Betray"."
Amalet: "..."
Quinton: "My Lady, please! You cannot go in there without permission!
Collector assignments must go through the proper channels!"
??????: "But I've already TRIED the proper channels and you won't LISTEN to me!
If the Guild Master doesn't want to help us, she can tell it to my sparkling, green face!"
Dad: "Sparkling, green face? Hmm...
Come on! Let's go see what all this commotion is about!"

Quinton: "I understand your frustration, My Lady, but I would highly advise against disturbing the Master!"
Naniva: "Master schmaster! I'm not afraid of some silly shut-in. Open that door or I'll open it myself!"
Quinton: "Don't be rash - you're clearly in the disadvantage here! Let's just all calm down and be civil..."
Naniva: "Stupid, stubborn humans! Ugh! Goodbye, giant door. I wish it hadn't come down to this!"
Quinton: "What are you doing?
Oh, dear."
Dad: "It's her, just as I suspected!
This might actually be great news... come on, sport, let's go!"

Naniva: "(Jeepers! This place is so creepy!)
(But I can't be fazed! Stick to your guns, Naniva!)
Hey, lady! I've got business with you!
Quit staring out the window and look me in the face!"
Master Ivy: "And to think I turned down a bug spray salesman just last week...
Quinton, would you be so kind as to bring me the fly swatter? It's right there on the table... to the far left."
Naniva: "No, wait! I'm not a bug, I'm a-"
Master Ivy: "I know what you are, you imbecile!
You're a nosy little Fae, and more importantly, a trespasser on our lands.
Tell me, ladybug, why have you crawled out of your secret little city to come here?"
Naniva: "Because the artifact in the Temple of Seasons suddenly woke up, and it made the Winter Elder go completely bonkers!
He took the artifact for himself, and now he's stronger than ever, destroying anyone who oppose him!
The other elders would sooner die than ask for outside help, but... how could I possibly put pride before the lives of my friends?!
Please, Grand Master! You have to help us!"
Master Ivy: "You fairies could go extinct and no-one in Evergrind would even notice. Why, exactly, do I "have" to help you?"
Naniva: "Because the artifact that's destroying us was made by humans!" Master Ivy: "Now, now... that's quite the accusation, little one." Naniva: "The fae only craft with nature! Sticks, leaves and sometimes stones. The artifact is crafted entirely from rare metals.
Who but Humans could've made it?"
Dad: "..."
Master Ivy: "I won't send people into danger based upon the conjecture of a moth.
Guards! Put that miscreant in a bottle and send her back to where she belongs."
Dad: "Ivy, wait!"
Master Ivy: "Hmm?"
Dad: "Isn't it the duty of a collector to find rare and valuable items that ordinary people cannot obtain?
The Temple of Seasons must have great amounts of valuable treasure, not to mention the ancient artifact itself!
How can we stand idly by and let this chance slip past us?" Master Ivy: "Whether in the hands of the Fae, or in the rubble of their city, the artifacts will survive.
We do not have any high ranking collectors to spare for this mission. When we do, we'll bring what we can from the ruins."
Naniva: (Jeez! Who is she, the Devil?)
Dad: "My wife, Charlotte, often visited the Fae when she was young. She loved it there.
To honor her memory, I'd like to take this mission on myself. All the manpower I need is my own son/daughter."
Master Ivy: "...a cripple and his kid?
Fine! I hand this problem over to you. Whether you fail or succeed... make sure that annoying fairy stays where she belongs!"
Dad: "Thank you, Grand Master"
Naniva: "Your wife's name is Charlotte... hey, that means you're...?"
Dad: "It's a pleasure to actually meet you, Spring Elder Naniva. I've heard much about you."
Master Ivy: "Yes, that's all very interesting. In fact... how should i put this...
Get out of my office.
Dad: "Apologies, Grand Master. We'll continue this discussion outside." Naniva: "Whew, that was...
That was...
That was so scary!
Why do you Humans have a leader like her? I thought I was a goner for sure!"
Dad: "Haha! She can be quite intimidating at times! But as a strong leader, you must be that kind of person, I guess.
We got what we wanted, and that's what matters. Time is of the essence! Let's make haste."
Dr. Spengler: "Chief! I'm getting the most miraculous readings in the lab!
I think I'm on the cusp of a great breakthrough, and I really need you to take a look!"
Dad: "...
It can't be helped, then. I'm not much use in the field with only one arm, anyway.
I'm sorry, Naniva, but could you accompany my son/daughter to Santa Fae?"
Naniva: "Of course I would! We Fae believe children inherit their parents' spirits. It will be like hanging out with Charlotte again."
Dad: "Haha, I'm glad you feel that way!"
Naniva: "I'll be the best sidekick you could ever ask for!"
Bag: "So yeah, no, this is absolutely not going to happen."
Naniva: "Oh drats! She already has a side kick?"
Bag: "...wait. What did you just call me?"
Dad: "Bag, please. She might not be your cup of tea to be around, but we need her help.
The way to Santa Fae - and the artifact - is sealed shut by fairy magic. You can probably guess whom here can use that."
Naniva: "Tee-hee! (It's me!)"
Bag: "...
Alright, kid, here's the deal. We go to Seasonne, find this secret entrance, have the butterfly cast her spell, and then we leave her.
The faster we do all this, the less likely it is I'll throw myself in a fire."
Naniva: "Cheer up you grouchy pouchy! You and I will make the best side kick team ever!"
Bag: "...just kill me now."
Naniva: "He disappeared... oh well.
See you soon, Mr. Husband of Charlotte! We're off to save the day!"
Dad: "Please be careful, Spring Elder! I'll keep busy in the lab while I await your return."
Naniva: "Okay, kid! I'm a pretty good adventurer myself, so I'll be sure to give you some pointers.
Flash that smile and let's go!"

Quest Navigation
Main Questline
Evergrind City

Road to the City   -   The Collector's Exam

Flying Fortress

The Ancient Temple   -   Ghost Hunt   -   A Thieving Rival

Temple of Seasons

A Frozen Fairytale   -   Toying With Danger

Tai Ming

Festival!   -   A Matter of Time   -   A Tiny Little Errand   -   Last Favour (Promise!)
The Thousand Year Ale   -   The Secrets of Mana   -   A King's Treasure

The Lost Ship

What Floats Your Boat   -   A Fare Price   -   A Ghastly Gathering

Forgotten Tower

Ascent Into Madness (upcoming content)

Side Quests
No questline

Chicken Chaser   -   Chicken Savior   -   For Old Times
Slime & Ring   -   Cooking Witch Candy   -   Birthday Dinner
Faerly Brave   -   Pet Detective   -   Crystal Clear
Ice Cream Run   -   Grinding Groceries   -   Finder Keeps Hers
The Lost Cat Pic   -   The Museum is Closed   -   The Spectral Party
Phase-Off   -   One Measly Slime   -   Sponsored Contest
Bloomy Barn Brawl   -   Leafing Home   -   Butterflown

Pott & Remedi

Pumpkin Inspection   -   Alchemist Apprentice   -   The Remedy

Mr. & Mrs. Santa

The Goblin Grinch   -   Split the Bill

Steve the Miner

Steve Gets Fired   -   Career Change

Port Monnaie errands

Gone With The Wind   -   Vanjie! Vaaanjie!

Cammy the Photographer

For Exposure   -   For More Exposure   -   Even More Exposure...

Arcade Quests
Item Unlocks

Fly, You Fool!   -   Flying Blind   -   Find The Finder
Home Away From Home   -   A Smashing Photo   -   Pumpkin Dash
Boring The Elder   -   Giant for an Exam   -   Sick On The Job
The Red King   -   Distress Signal   -   Fishing Arcade

Arcade Unlocks

Missing Sis   -   Lood Hunt   -   Tools for the Job
Seedy Business   -   Where Are The Birds?   -   Call Of The Wild
By the Stones


A Safe Village   -   Bounty Hunt   -   Evening the Odds
What You've Got